This paper discusses the progress madeby Cambodia from the early 90s to 2007, in reduction ofpoverty incidence. Reduced poverty occurred in both urbanand rural areas, and was experienced by rich and poor, andby men and women. Households, including those in the poorestgroups, have improved their housing quality, increasedownership of motorbikes, televisions, and mobile phones, andare better able to access and afford schools and healthcare.However, the study warns about complacency, because povertyis still pervasive in the rural areas, and amulti-dimensional approach is needed to tackle it. The gapin income and opportunities remains wide between the richand the poor, the urban and rural regions and moreimportantly, within the rural areas themselves. The reportconcludes that it is clear that Cambodia has madesubstantial improvements in the information systemsavailable to guide public policy. The next step is toimprove coordination among the information sources anddevelop a national information system that allows for thecombined use of information and the setting of prioritiesbased on an assessment of needs and existing gaps in thecountry.To address these problems, an evaluation of thequality, relevance and use of information produced inCambodia is necessary in order to establish standards andidentify areas of improvement.