This study builds on a previous studyfrom the raw materials group, a Sweden-based mineralsconsultancy, originally commissioned by the World Bank in2008. The trend toward more state engagement in the miningindustry as noted in the 2008 study has continued, based onmore recent developments. This study includes an expandedsection on the new forms of state control which are found inAfrica and also in Russia, China, India, and other emergingeconomies. It lays out the possible political implicationsof these trends and draws lessons from previous periods ofincreasing state ownership, including how to avoid previousmistakes. Various metals and the history of nationalizationin a number of countries are analyzed as are the possiblefactors influencing the decision to nationalize, such as thesector's strategic importance and the need to controlit. China's role in investing in Africa is discussednoting the issues concerning negotiation strategies, lookingat the history of deals made in Sub-Saharan Africa. Stateownership is defined in detail in appendix one of thisdocument. A consolidated list of state ownership in miningof selected minerals and mineral refining on which the studyis based is presented in appendix two.