Service Delivery Indicators : Kenya
Martin, Gayle H. ; Pimhidzai, Obert
World Bank, Washington, DC
RP-ID  :  90371
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
【 摘 要 】

Without consistent and accurateinformation on the quality of services, it is difficult forcitizens or politicians (the principal) to assess howservice providers (the agent) are performing and to takecorrective action. The service delivery indicators (SDI)provide a set of metrics to benchmark the performance ofschools and health clinics in Africa. The indicators can beused to track progress within and across countries overtime, and aim to enhance active monitoring of servicedelivery to increase public accountability and goodgovernance. Ultimately, the goal of this effort is to helppolicymakers, citizens, service providers, donors, and otherstakeholders enhance the quality of services and improvedevelopment outcomes. This report presents the findings fromthe implementation of the first SDI survey in Kenya. Theproduction of health services requires three dimensions ofservice delivery: (i) the availability of key inputs such asdrugs, equipment and infrastructure; (ii) providers who areskilled; and (iii) providers who exert the necessary effortin applying knowledge and skills. The SDI surveys allow forthe assessment of how these elements come together toproduce quality health services in the same place at thesame time. This paper is structured as follows: section onegives introduction. Section two outlines the analyticalunderpinnings of the indicators and how they arecategorized. Section three presents the methodology of theKenya SDI education and health surveys. The results arepresented and analyzed in section four and section five. Thereport concludes with a summary of the overall findings andsome implications for Kenya.

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