The Emergency Social Investment Fund(FISE) ex-post impact evaluation, is one of the first to becarried out on a social fund since the introduction of thesemechanisms, a decade ago. Through strong impact evaluationmethodologies, the report provides empirical evidenceregarding FISE's success in reaching poor households,and contributing to their human capital formation, andprovides as well, insights into communities interactionswith FISE, and the quality of publicly provided socialservices that have received a FISE investment. Theevaluation makes use of data sources, such as the LivingStandards Measurement Survey (LSMS), FISE Household Surveys,and FISE Facilities Survey, as well as from the qualitativebeneficiary assessment, instruments which allow anintegrated evaluation on assessment of poverty targeting,and household impact. Based on social sectors results,recommendations for FISE operations, its work with others,and its monitoring system, suggest increased communityparticipation at the subproject level, including a revisionon the balance between social sector infrastructureinvestments, and, replacement, rehabilitation, and expansionof existing infrastructure. FISE's coordination withother institutions should be strengthened, to forge strongercommunity links, and, to balance decentralization, andstrategic planning, while complementing infrastructuresupply, with demand-side interventions, through directhousehold contacts. Finally, the link between LSMS and theFISE evaluation should be maintained, to compare alternativeinterventions, strengthening monitoring and evaluation activities.