The World Bank has agreed to supportpower sector reforms in Haryana with a new type of lendinginstrument--the adaptable program loan--recently approved byits board of directors.Under this approach, being appliedfor the first time, the Bank will provide a series of loanstotaling US$600 million over eight to ten years, but willcommit the loans only when the state government has reachedagreed milestones.This approach allows the stategovernment milestones--not the covenants of standard WorldBank loans --to determine the timing of controversialactions.The flexibility is intended to improve the reformprogram's chances of success and avoid the stop-startlending pattern that has characterized the Bank's pastlending to state electricity boards.This Note explainsHaryana's reform strategy and how the adaptable programloan applies.Haryana's reform could have an importantdemonstration effect.