This report presents an analysis ofthe Early Childhood Development (ECD) programs and policieswhich affect young children in the Samoa. This report ispart of a series of reports prepared by the World Bank usingthe SABER-ECD framework. The country report includesanalysis of early learning, health, nutrition, social andchild protection policies and interventions in Samoa, alongwith regional and international comparisons. The SABER-ECDinitiative is designed to enable ECD policy makers anddevelopment partners to identify opportunities for furtherdevelopment of effective ECD systems. The SABER-ECDclassification system does not rank countries according toany overall scoring; rather, it is intended to shareinformation on how different ECD systems address the samepolicy challenges. This country report presents a frameworkto benchmark the Samoa s ECD system; each of the nine policylevers are examined in detail and some policy options are recommended.