Good practices reduce costs and producetimely results; poor practices lead to waste and delays andare often the cause for allegations of corruption andGovernment inefficiency. Enhanced transparency inprocurement through voluntary disclosure under the Right toInformation (RTI) Act (2005)' is one of the individualcomponents of the larger initiative undertaken byYashwantrao Academy of Development Administration (YASHADA)under the national resource centre for socialaccountability, and funded by the World Bank institute, NewDelhi. Sound public procurement policies and practices areamong the essential elements of good governance. Theobjective of the study is to: study the current procurementprocess; suggest measures to tackle the discrepancies bydeveloping mechanisms; and enhance social accountability andtransparency in the procurement process by focusedimplementation of right to information as a tool. Theproject takes into account the four pillar approach towardspublic procurement which believes that unless all theaspects of the function (i.e. efficiency, economy, fairnessand transparency) are taken care of, the overall impact willnot be evident. The focus of this project is mainly onsocial accountability. Obviously the focus of the study ison transparency and how by making the systems moretransparent the other aspects of fairness, efficiency andeconomy can be pushed for reforming the procurement process.