Economic and natural crises and shocksare unfortunately recurring events, but the better a countryis prepared for such eventualities, the lesser the impactmay be. In 2009, in the wake of the global economic crisis,the Government of Indonesia piloted a Crisis Monitoring andResponse System (CMRS). The CMRS experience providesvaluable inputs for the design of a long-term Vulnerabilityand Shock Monitoring and Response System (VSMRS). The CMRScovered the whole country, which meant that there was noneed for a priori guesses on where crisis impacts might beworst. This report is intended to provide inputs to adiscussion within Government of Indonesia agencies, andbetween the Government and other interested parties (such asdonors, international agencies, etc), on what a nascentVSMRS could look like, and how it could operate. It shouldbe stressed that this document does not provide a blueprintfor a fully-fledged VSMRS, primarily because such a systemcould develop in so many ways that much of what would beelaborated in detail might be of little use. The focus istherefore primarylyon discussing general aspects of a VSMRS,to build a common perception on the general direction ofsuch an initiative between the key stakeholders, and toelaborate the concept later on together with a technicalworking group tasked to do this.