This assessment provides anunderstanding of the significant regulatory and supervisoryframework for the insurance sector of Malaysia. Theassessment was conducted by Mark Causevic (external expertfrom OSFI Canada) during April 2012. Malaysia is undertakingthe Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) for the firsttime, and it includes a formal assessment of its observancewith the Insurance Core Principles (ICPs) issued by theInternational Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS).The Malaysia market has been growing for Islamic insuranceproducts (family takaful, general takaful, and re-takaful).The ICPs were not specifically developed with Islamicinsurance products in mind. Consequently, based on the scopethat was agreed upon prior to the start of the assessmentwork, details on the regulation, supervision and variousworkings of Malaysian Islamic insurance market are includedin this report, but they do not form part of the ICPassessment ratings for Malaysia.