This document provides an assessment ofthe public procurement system in Sindh province using thebaseline indicators system developed by the DevelopmentAssistance Committee of the Organization for EconomicCooperation and Development (OECD-DAC). This assessment,interviews and discussions were held with stakeholders fromthe public and private sectors as well as civil society.Developing country governments and donors have a mutualinterest in increasing the effectiveness, efficiency, andtransparency of procurement systems. Both have workedtogether under the auspices of the World Bank and OECD-DACprocurement round table initiative to develop a set of toolsand standards to support and guide improvements inprocurement systems. These tools include: (i) benchmarkingfor assessing the structure of public procurement systems,and (ii) monitoring and evaluation of public procurementsystems. A key analytical tool developed for benchmarking isthe baseline indicators system which comprises four pillars:1) the legislative and regulatory framework; 2)institutional framework and management capacity; 3)procurement operations and market practices; and 4)integrity and transparency of the public procurement system.