The Dominican Republic (DR) has recordedexceptional growth over the past twenty years and has closedthe gap with the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region.While in the early 1990s the DRs per capita income was onlyabout 57 percent that in LAC, it has climbed to around 90percent nowadays. However, the countrys ability to reducepoverty and improving equity has been less stellar. Thisnote presents some stylized facts of the DR economy thatmight help understand this phenomenon. In doing so, the noteaddresses the following three questions: (i) Has growth beeninclusive in the DR?; (ii) Why has the DR economy grown sorapidly?; and (iii) Why has growth not led to furtherimprovements in equity? This note tentatively argues thatsome potential factors explaining the latter are the declinein real wages despite increasing productivity, specialeconomic zones that are relatively isolated from the rest ofthe economy, and the States limited capacity for fiscal redistribution.