The Government of Romania (GOR), inagreement with the European Commission (EC), requestedfunctional reviews of the Romanian public administrationthrough an independent advisory service with the World Bank.The general objective of this advisory service is to reviewthe current situation of the Labor and Social Protection(L&SP) sector, assess its functioning and develop anaction plan that the GOR can use over the short- tomedium-term to strengthen its effectiveness in the publicadministration. In meeting this objective, the World Bankexamined: (i) whether the policy goals and objectives of theMinistry of Labor and Social Protection (MoLFSP) and itsagencies are clearly defined in measurable and achievableterms; (ii) whether the management systems, policies,staffing, and organizational structure are appropriate forthem to meet their objectives; and (iii) whether factorsexternal to the institutions that may impede their abilityto meet their objectives. The report is organized into twovolumes. Volume One summarizes the main findings andmessages, presents priorities for reform, and suggests anaction plan to carry out these priority reforms. Volume Twoprovides chapters with the background diagnostics,assessment and findings in depth, covering: Main SectorFeatures and Institutional Mapping; Ministry of Labor Familyand Social Protection; Labor Market; Pensions; SocialAssistance (Cash Transfers); Social Assistance Services;Information Management (cross-cutting)