The Matrix System at Work : An Evaluation of the World Bank's Organizational Effectiveness | |
Independent Evaluation Group | |
Washington, DC:World Bank | |
DOI : 10.1596/978-0-8213-9715-2 RP-ID : 68284 |
学科分类:社会科学、人文和艺术(综合) | |
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository | |
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【 摘 要 】
The 1997 Bank reforms that introducedthe matrix management concept aimed to adapt theorganization to changing circumstances and address concernsamong external stakeholders about the role of aid indevelopment. The reforms were motivated largely bywidespread recognition that the Bank's developmentprograms were excessively driven by a culture of lending,with insufficient attention to client needs and the qualityof results, which are crucial to development effectiveness.A previous round of reforms in 1987 had strengthened thecountry focus, but quality remained a concern. Furthermore,access of developing countries to development finance fromthe private sector had increased significantly, leading to adecreasing share of official development aid, including Bankfinancing, in total flows to developing countries. Thistrend has continued after slight interruption by the Asianfinancial crisis. In 1987, World Bank lending represented 15percent of all external financing for developing countries.By 2002 Bank lending had declined to 4 percent of externalfinancing (organizational effectiveness task force: finalreport, 2005). Changes in the external environment indicatethat the matrix system is even more relevant today than whenit was introduced. Client needs have diversified, withgreater differentiation among countries, even within theregions; the growth of global public goods and corporatepriorities is creating tensions and has given rise to newchallenges which need to be reconciled with the countrymodel; demand for cutting-edge knowledge is growing, both toenhance quality of lending and as a business line for policyand program advice to clients; and new global practices haveemerged to meet needs such as information, communication andtechnology, and disaster management. The Bank's abilityto renew itself and function as a truly global Bank iscritical to its success.
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