Risk-sensitive land use planning isvital for sustainable economic development and effectiveDisaster Risk Management (DRM). Urban development programsshould adopt risk-sensitive land use planning to encourageresilient development guiding the growth of people, assetsand services within and away from hazardous zones. Many EastAsia and the Pacific (EAP) countries have national land usepolicy and local plans which incorporate risk assessments;however, they typically lack the means for theirimplementation and incorporation into development planning.This note introduces the potential of Land Readjustment (LR)and Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) for DRM as seen intheir application in Brazil, India, Japan, and the US. Thenote recommends that if municipalities build capacity forstrategic land management, LR and TDR can be usedeffectively to finance and implement risk-sensitive land useplans. LR offers to accommodate and plan for risks withminimal displacement while TDR promises to equitablyrelocate development away from hazardous sites through thereal estate market.