The Voice, Choice and Decision (VCD): astudy of local governance processes in Cambodia (VCD1)study, conducted in 2011, led to a set of useful insightsinto the channels through which citizens are heard incommune level decision-making. It presented the formal andinformal framework for, and constraints to, citizens'voicing issues, and the overall downward accountabilityframework of commune and sangkats in Cambodia. The findingsof this exploration provide policy makers, developmentpartners and other stakeholders significantly more detailand in-depth understanding of commune decision-makingprocesses and the engagement of citizens, informing bothquantitative studies and the very extensive literature ondecentralization reform. Voice, Choice and Decision: localbasic service delivery: (VCD2) aims to generate betterunderstanding of the platform for citizen and user voice inbasic service delivery by considering, in detail, thenature, scope and role of local agents (committees,institutions, individuals) established to implement sectorpolicies, and to identify any other informal channels forthe voice of citizens and users of services. In its finalform, the study focuses on developing an understanding ofvoice and accountability in three sectors, health, educationand rural water supply. The research and documentationadopted a common framework to the extent possible,considering, in the first instance, what was intended bypolicy (the arena, organizations, roles and relationships),and comparing this with the reality on the ground in each ofthe sectors. This final paper then considers the crosscutting themes, identifying the commonalities anddifferences between these sectors.