The objective of this report is twofold:first, analyze and discuss the linkages between differentminimum standards currently used in the Kyrgyz Republic andwith the Monthly Benefit for Poor Families (MBPF), and,secondly, to analyze the potential of alternative targetingmethods and benefit levels. The analysis in this reportmainly draws on data from the Kyrgyz Integrated HouseholdSurvey (KIHS) 2010. The report is structured as follows: thenext section analyzes and compares different minimum livingstandards as currently used in the Kyrgyz Republic.Subsequently, we simulate different targeting options usingstatic micro-simulation. Categorical targeting, proxy-meanstesting and the current means-test given a higher GuaranteedMinimum Income (GMI) are analyzed and eventually compared interms of cost efficiency. The last section concludes. One ofthe objectives of the Strategy for Social ProtectionDevelopment 2012-2014 of the Government of the KyrgyzRepublic (GoKG) is to improve the targeting performance ofthe MBPF. The MBPF is the only last-resort social transferprogram in the Kyrgyz Republic aimed at providing aguaranteed minimum income to the population. Currently,eligibility for the MBPF is determined by a means-test. Asecond objective of the strategy, which is closely linked tothe first, aims at improving the poverty reductioneffectiveness of the transfer. The size of the MBPF isdefined by the difference between family income per capitaand the level of the GMI. The main purpose of a nationalpoverty line is to analyze they extent and nature of povertyin the country, and to assess the (distributional) outcomesof public policies. The objective of the food poverty lineis to identify the extremely poor households and individualsin the society.