The Government of Kenya adopted in 2004an Economic Recovery Strategy for Wealth and EmploymentCreation (ERSWEC), which recognizes three main pillars foreconomy recovery namely: (i) strengthening economic growth;(ii) enhancing equity and reducing poverty; and (iii)improving governance. The ERSWEC reiterates that theachievement of the three pillars is dependent on adequateand reliable access to least-cost energy. Since agriculturecontinues to be the mainstay of Kenya's economy,ensuring adequate access to electricity in rural areas is animportant component to achieving the objectives of theERSWEC. This is confirmed by investigations made by thisstudy regarding specific energy needs for the differentsectors of productive and social activities in the ruralareas, for agriculture, livestock, fishery, tea and coffeecooperatives, telecommunications, water pumping and healthand education services.The Government of Kenya has adopted aNational Energy formulated in the Sessional Paper No 4 of2004 consistent with the ERSWEC, which set double target ofa 20% access rate to electricity in rural areas and 40% in 2020.