This report describes a mission toIndonesia, with the purpose of mapping Human ResourcesManagement (HRM) Practices in three selected ministries:Finance (MoF), Foreign Affairs (MoFA), and Home Affairs(MoHA). The mappings within these ministries were intendedto provide an input to a World Bank Programming Mission onCivil Service Reform scheduled for 2-13 February 2009 todetermine what kind of support the World Bank could providein helping the Government of Indonesia (GOI) develop itsongoing civil service reform program. This report is asummary of the information gathered and includes acomparison among the three ministries. The summary isorganized in accordance with the HRM core areas: (i) humanresources strategy, (ii) job classification, (iii)recruitment, (iv) career management, (v) performancemanagement, (vi) ethics management, (vii) training anddevelopment, (viii) remuneration, and (ix) the organizationof the HR divisions.