This economy profile for Doing Business2015 presents the 11 Doing Business indicators for Senegal.To allow for useful comparison, the profile also providesdata for other selected economies (comparator economies) foreach indicator. Doing Business 2015 is the 12th edition in aseries of annual reports measuring the regulations thatenhance business activity and those that constrain it.Economies are ranked on their ease of doing business; for2015 Senegal ranks 161. A high ease of doing businessranking means the regulatory environment is more conduciveto the starting and operation of a local firm. DoingBusiness presents quantitative indicators on businessregulations and the protection of property rights that canbe compared across 189 economies from Afghanistan toZimbabwe and over time. Doing Business measures regulationsaffecting 11 areas of the life of a business known asindicators. Ten of these areas are included in thisyear's ranking on the ease of doing business: startinga business, dealing with construction permits, gettingelectricity, registering property, getting credit,protecting minority investors, paying taxes, trading acrossborders, enforcing contracts, and resolving insolvency.Doing Business also measures labor market regulation, whichis not included in this year's ranking. The data inthis report are current as of June 1, 2014 (except for thepaying taxes indicators, which cover the period from Januaryto December 2013).