Belarus demonstrated strong economicgrowth 2000-2008 and this translated into fast povertyreduction. Belarus invested a lot in the human capital ofits population both in men and women. This assessmentidentifies and describes main gender disparities in Belarusin agency, education, health, and access to economicopportunities. The report builds on the framework of theWorld Bank's regional gender report, Europe and CentralAsia: opportunities for men and women, as well as the Worlddevelopment report on gender and development. The assessmenttakes a quantitative approach using a wide range ofdifferent international data sources including WorldBank's world development indicators, the globalfinancial inclusion database, the life in transition survey,European Bank for Reconstruction and Development(EBRD)-World Bank business environment and enterpriseperformance survey as well as local household livingstandards survey. The report is organized as follows:section one discusses agency and describes factors which mayshape the process how men and women use their endowments andutilize economic opportunities to achieve desired outcomes.The second section analyzes gender disparities inendowments, such as health and education. The third sectionfocuses on gender gaps in the labor market, entrepreneurshipand earnings, access to finance and poverty. The fourthsection presents conclusions and policy recommendations.