The World Bank oil, gas and mining unit,in its capacity as a driver for best practice related toextractive industry contributions to poverty alleviation,has a strong interest in the sustainable development ofmine-impacted communities. As part of the growing globalexpectation that the extractive industry should contributepositively to long-term local development, a discourse hasgrown surrounding a variety of structures and processesaiming to deliver development benefits to communitiesaffected by mineral resource projects. Examples of thesestrategies include social/community investment programs,development forums, community-controlled trusts, developmentfunds, and foundations. These strategies may be led bygovernment, the companies, the impacted community, orthrough collaborative bilateral or multi sector partnershipsand agreements. They may be a regulatory requirement ornegotiated voluntarily in response to mining companies'commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR)principles. This document describes some of the mainconsiderations and processes regarding the development andimplementation of these strategies, specifically in relationto Community Development Agreements (CDAs). In the last fewyears the World Bank oil, gas and mining unit has worked toanalyze CDAs within the mining sector as an instrument formore sustainable and equitable benefits. This process ofanalysis and research has involved a series of reports bythe World Bank and external specialists aiming to providetechnical input on the process, case studies, lessonslearned, and best practices for CDA development. This reportbuilds on previous studies to deliver a knowledge product onCDA development with the aim of providing specificassistance to the process and delivery of CDAs. This sourcebook has been developed from learnings relating to existingregulations/ requirements, past experiences, and casestudies. Volume 2 contains the World Bank ExtractiveIndustries Sourcebook, Good Practice Notes: CommunityDevelopment Agreements, and Volume 3is the MiningCommunity Development Agreements - Practical Experiences andField Studies. Volume 4 is the Community DevelopmentAgreement- Model Regulations and Example Guidelines.