A portfolio review analyses thecomposition of the microfinance portfolio and theperformance of individual projects across the portfolio toassess whether a funder delivers on its microfinancestrategy. Combining these two perspectives provides acomprehensive analysis of whether a funder is on the righttrack to achieve the overall objectives it has set for itsmicrofinance operations. This technical guide presents theportfolio review as an evaluation method that can helpfunders learn from what they fund. Microfinance portfolioreviews first appeared in the 1990s as an evaluation methodthat compares the performance of microfinance projectsacross a funder's portfolio. This technical guide ismeant to be a reference document for staff of donors andinvestors who design and implement portfolio reviews, aswell as for the evaluation teams who perform the reviews. Itis organized as follows: section two describes theobjectives and characteristics of a portfolio review;section three discusses the questions a portfolio review canhelp answer; section four describes a step-by-step processof a typical portfolio review; section five offers practicaladvice on how to implement a portfolio review; and theannexes include template terms of reference (TOR), templateinterview checklists, and a sample outline for the final report.