The justice sector in Mongolia haschanged significantly in the 20 years since the countrybecame a democracy. From the very beginning, the World Bankand other international partners have provided significantassistance to reform processes, particularly in areasconcerned with the development of an independent judiciary.Especially in comparison to other countries in the region,Mongolia's reform efforts have been generallysuccessful. During the early and economically difficulttimes since democracy was established, reform activitiesnaturally focused on legal reforms, including the creationof a legislative framework for democratic institutions, thetransition to a market economy, and for needed changes inthe relationship between the state and the people. This wasfollowed at the end of the millennium by concerted effortsto reform justice institutions and to improve humancapacities for supporting, implementing and sustainingreforms. Mongolia was the first developing nation to pursuecomprehensive and inclusive strategic planning for itsjustice sector. Its strategic plan has provided a roadmapfor reforms over many years and withstood leadership changesin both the government and in the key justice agencies. Muchhas been achieved, considering the challenges that have beenovercome in terms of justice system infrastructure, humancapacities and changes in attitudes, all with only verylimited budget resources. At the same time, reform gapsexist and public trust in the justice sector is lacking.Critics continue to point to weak and uneven decision makingcapacities of prosecutors and judges, despite more than adecade of intensive donor support for their training. Thispaper reviews some of the underlying issues affectingjustice reforms in Mongolia; and points to areas thatrequire attention to overcome the current shortcomings and challenges.