The toolkit is made up of two parts. Inpart 1, a route map is aimed at raising awareness. Itattempts to give direction by helping to categorizeinformation and communication technologies (ICT) componentsin terms of complexity and walks through the differentstages of preparation, implementation, and supervision. Inpart 2, the toolkit goes into greater detail. It is intendedthat this second part would: For task managers and taskteams provide a summary of the various disciplines relevantto the conceptualization, planning, delivery, andsustainability of ICT-based products; for projectimplementation units provide guidelines that will help thembetter prepare for and monitor ICT components; for borrowersand beneficiaries provide a primer on good practice; and forexpert implementers provide orientation and nomenclature,and an aide-memoire for the formulation of project plans,expanding the focus beyond mere technology. The informationcontained here pertains to complex ICT components which mayrequire tailored information systems, have a wide impact,have several subcomponents, have a significant managementdimension, have relatively high financial worth, or areimportant to the success of the loan.