This note focuses on the energy andpower sector in Uzbekistan with the purpose of identifyingsome of the key issues faced by the sector and outliningpotential solutions. In particular, the note aims to informthe Government thinking by providing input on priorities inthe sector. The note also outlines potential solutions theGovernment may want to consider to address the identifiedchallenges in the short and longer time and highlights theareas where the Government can start acting immediately. Theanalysis is based on the information and data provided bythe Government during preparation of the Bank'sinvestment lending operations, other analytical work as wellas data/information collected from public sources. The noteis structured as follows: section one discusses theimportance of the energy sector to the economy and providesan overview of the sector. Section two provides a moredetailed overview of the power sector. Section threeidentifies the principal challenges in the power sector.Section four proposes potential solutions to address thesechallenges. Finally, section five outlines a potential rolefor the World Bank in supporting the Government to addresspower sector challenges.