This report aims to address some of theMinistry of Education, Youth and Sport's (MoEYS)specific concerns in the area of teacher civil servicereform as it considers alternatives for the next phase ofCambodia's educational development. This study uses themost recent empirical data to document the most salienttrends around Cambodian teachers: their attributes, thecharacteristics of their jobs relative to those of otherprofessionals, and their working conditions, as well asaggregate data on how the teaching profession is respondingto the demands of a rapidly growing school system. Thisreport also reviews the most important policies that affectteachers' salaries, contracts and incentives to jointhe profession and remain in it. It also providesobservational data of teacher classroom performance andattendance, while linking student academic outcomes toteaching inputs. The objective of this study is to informthe dialogue around policy reforms that may affect theeducation sector, the civil service, and teachers in particular.