This report forms part of the technicalassistance provided by the World Bank under the Non-lendingTechnical Assistance Program for the Caribbean'market-based agriculture risk management in theCaribbean.' The program is largely financed by theEuropean Union All Agriculture Commodities Program (AACP)Initiative and contributions from the International Fund forAgriculture Development (IFAD) and the World Bank. Thisdocument provides technical input for designing a nationalstrategy for addressing the financial weather risks facingthe agricultural sector of Jamaica. As such, it identifiesthe various options from current available financial risktransfer instruments for addressing crop weather risks forsmall farmers (livestock risks are not directly addressed inthis report) and identifies the public investments neededfor supporting market development of the agriculturalinsurance market. The report is structured in five sectionsto facilitate its presentation. The first two sectionspresent a snapshot of the Jamaican economy and agriculturalsector, and the current situation of agricultural insurance;third section addresses a set of key issues for designing agovernment strategy for agricultural financial weather riskmanagement; fourth section contains the elements of publicpolicy and investments to support market development foragricultural insurance, and various illustrations of how tostructure financial weather risk management instruments forthe sector. The report concludes with a short sectioncontaining final remarks and recommendations.