Universal Health Coverage is a powerfulframework for a nation aiming to protect their populationagainst health risks. However, countries face multiplechallenges in implementing, achieving and sustaining UHCstrategies. Sharing and learning from diverse countryexperiences may enable to foster global and country progresstoward that goal. The study seeks to contribute to theglobal effort of sharing potentially useful lessons toaddress policy concerns on the design and implementation ofUHC strategies in LMICs. Vietnam is one of the LMICs thathave taken relatively quick and effective actions to expandhealth coverage and improve financial protection in the lasttwo decades. The country study, first, takes stock of UHCprogress in Vietnam, examining both the breadth and thedepth of health coverage and assessing financial protectionand equity outputs (chapter one). Chapter two includes anin-depth analysis of some of the major success strategiesand policy actions that the country took to expand healthcoverage and financial protection for all, including for thepoor. Chapter three focuses on some of the UHC-relatedchallenges that the country faces in pursuing expansion andsustaining UHC. Vietnam s experience suggests that, movingtoward greater UHC outputs, the system must be constantlyadjusted, and that UHC strategies must be adaptive, thoseused in the past to cover the formal sector and the poor mayturn out inadequate to reach the uninsured in the informal sector.