The Pioneering New Approaches in Supportof Sustainable Development in the Extractive Sector projectpromotes mine development and operation and improvesopportunities for the sustainable development of miningcommunities and regions during all phases of the miningcycle. In part, the project responds to recommendations in"Breaking New Ground," the report of the Mining,Minerals, and Sustainable Development (MMSD) project (2002),for new approaches to enable governments, industry, andcommunities to create country-specific frameworks, includingcommunity sustainable development plans, that wouldultimately reduce conflict, promote cooperation, and enhancethe contribution of mineral-related investment tosustainable development. The result is this CommunityDevelopment Toolkit, which has two main parts: 1) 17 Toolsintended for use throughout the project cycle and whichcover the assessment, planning, management, and evaluationphases of community development as well as stakeholderrelationships; and 2) the Background volume, which containsthe background and context to the project as well as anexamination of the mineral policies and mining lawsnecessary for mineral activity to contribute to sustainable development.