To ensure sustainable and optimal use ofits common property natural resources, Mexico will need tostrengthen its focus on enhancing stewardship in three keysectors-forests, water, and energy resources. The keyobjectives include the following: 1) identifying optionsthat would contribute to Mexico's climate agenda andbuild social resilience through forest management; 2)ensuring economically efficient and environmentally andsocially sustainable water management to promote'green' growth in the context of water scarcityand climate uncertainty; and 3) assessing the impacts ofdeclining oil and gas reserves and the role of renewableenergy as an alternative and cleaner source. Forests canplay an important role in mitigating and adapting to climatechange. Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and ForestDegradation (REDD+) and other forest-related activitiescould account for almost 20 percent of reductions ingreenhouse gas emissions that Mexico could achieve by 2030.Although much remains to be done, Mexico has become a globalleader in forest management. Allocation of resources amongthe various programs is not optimal. Reforestation effortshave obtained modest results despite receiving 38 percent ofMexico's forest investments in 2011 (US$486 million).The capacity to monitor investments is lagging compared withthe scale of the programs.