A growing number of governments areusing Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) to deliverinfrastructure. A PPP is a long-term contract between aprivate party and a government agency, for providing apublic asset or service, in which the private party bearssignificant risk and management responsibility. Suchpartnerships can help make the best use of the resources ofboth the public and private sectors, including finance,experience, expertise, and focus on delivery, to expand andimprove public infrastructure assets and services. Thisreport presents some of the key issues in assessingValue-for-Money (VFM) that arose during the roundtablediscussion, based on the experience of the participants. Thecontent of this report is as follows: a) section twoprovides an overview of VFM analysis; b) section threediscusses how VFM analysis is used in the PPP decisionmaking process; c) section four describes somemethodological challenges with VFM analysis; and d) sectionfive concludes, and summarizes the key lessons from the roundtable.