A universal concern in infrastructurereforms is the effect such reforms have on labor.State-owned infrastructure firms often employ more peoplethan required for efficiency, and often under favorableterms and conditions of service, leading to lower laborproductivity and higher labor costs than private employerswould bear. Some reform, in particular those involvingprivate participation in infrastructure (PPI), may thusprompt surplus labor and changes in working conditions asgovernments adjust the work force to prepare for PPI, or asnew owners or operators introduce efficiency improvementsand expose enterprises to greater management discipline, newtechnologies, and increasing competition.The primaryobjective of this Toolkit is to provide practical tools andinformation to help policymakers handle labor issues inprivate participation in infrastructure (PPI). The Toolkitconsists of seven modules: 1) Framework and overview of theentire toolkit; 2) Labor impacts of PPI; 3) Assessing thesize and scope of labor restructuring; 4) Strategies andoptions; 5) Key elements of a labor program; 6) Engagingwith stakeholders; 7) Monitoring and evaluation of laborprograms. The Toolkit also contains a web-based CD-ROM withsearchable documents, spreadsheets, sample terms ofreference for obtaining the needed expertise to carry outvarious labor-related tasks, case studies, and otherrelevant data.