The paper aims to provide guidance forboth transport and gender specialists on how to mainstreamgender-related considerations into road transport projectsto improve development effectiveness, sustainability and toreduce gender inequality. The paper draws attention to themost basic ways in which gender affects and is affected bytransport policies and projects and provides practicalapproaches to address gender-related problems in roadtransport projects. Women and men have different travel andtransport needs due to their different social and economicroles and activities. Women also face different constraintsthan men in accessing, using and paying for transportservices. Transport can play a significant role inameliorating or exacerbating the life conditions of women,particularly when poor and living in developing countries,depending on the extent to which gender differences aretaken into account. The paper provides examples of entrypoints for mainstreaming gender into various road projectcontexts in urban, rural areas, highlighting documented goodpractices in this area. The paper identifies opportunitieswhere women can play a role in the planning andimplementation of road transport operations, particularlythrough participatory approaches and labor-based roadconstruction. Included is an innovative table that presentsexamples of data and indicators to be collected for creatinga baseline and for measuring results at the project level.