The BOOST data tool makes it easy toanalyze how the allocation and use of public expenditure canbe made more efficient. BOOST makes detailed public spendingdata, including data on sub-national spending, more open andaccessible than ever before. The global financial crisis hasprompted many governments to seek efficiency savings inorder to reduce budget deficits and restore medium-termstructural balance without harming long-term growthprospects or service quality. To reap savings frominefficiencies, governments must be able to identify suchinefficiencies and examine their root causes. One way ofdoing so is through analytical work that sheds light onwhere in the budget more can be done with less the processstarts by gathering detailed government expenditure datadirectly from a country's treasury system. Byrequesting raw data at the most disaggregated levelavailable, the resulting BOOST database takes advantage ofthe full breadth and depth of the country's budgetclassification system. The data on expenditures, organizedusing all of the country's budget classification codes,is then compiled in one database that covers all sectors,all spending units, and all types of expenditures recordedin the treasury system. Obtaining more detailed data thanwhat is commonly available to researchers and making itreadily available in an easy-to-use format will facilitatethe work of many different actors within and outside theWorld Bank. Any opportunity to conduct more insightfulanalytical work improves the quality of advice provided to policymakers.