New communication technologies arechanging the way World Bank Group (WBG) staff work andinteract with their colleagues. For example, teams indifferent locations and time zones can use virtualcollaboration platforms for communication and knowledgemanagement. During 2009 and 2010, the Latin America andCaribbean (LAC) and Poverty Reduction and EconomicManagement (PREM) units volunteered to participate in thepilot phase of the rollout of SharePoint, a common workspace for teams that bundles a number of functionspreviously available only as separate applications. At thesame time, there was an increase in demand across the WBGfor a Facebook-type collaboration platform, called'Scoop,' which responded to teams' need for avirtual platform to support social collaboration. SharePointhad already exceeded expectations, with many staff membersfrom different units in the WBG headquarters and countryoffices becoming active users, and the number of siterequests increasing weekly. This demand brought the need toidentify and group all SharePoint site owners and users soeveryone could connect, share and learn from each other.This smart lesson describes how one of the so-called'SharePoint evangelists' came to create a group inscoop, which quickly started attracting members from allcorners of the WBG.