In 2003, Minas Gerais's stategovernment (GMG) launched an ambitious plan that graduallyintroduced a results focus into the public administrationand led to the creation of a Results-Based Management (RBM)system relying on performance information generated byMonitoring and Evaluation (M&E) tools. A case study ofMinas Gerais's RBM system offers insights on: 1) therole of a facilitating environment and individual governmentchampions for reform; 2) M&E tools founded on the desireto strengthen strategic planning; 3) the power of a strongincentive structure; and 4) the value added of investment ininstitutional and human capacities. The focus on prioritypolicy areas and programs allowed GMG to build an RBM systemsupported by M&E infrastructure led by the executivebranches of government: the governor and vice governor, theMinistry of Planning and Management (SEPLAG) and the Statefor Results Program (EpR), a small executive team created in2007 specifically to provide support to the states forresults reform agenda.