Research suggests that teacher qualityis the main school-based predictor of student achievementand that several consecutive years of outstanding teachingcan offset the learning deficits of disadvantaged students(Hanushek and Rivkin, 2006; Nye et al, 2004; Park andHannum, 2001; Rivkin et al, 2005; Rockoff, 2004; Sanders,1998; Sanders and Rivers 1996; and Vignoles et al, 2000).However, it is not yet clear exactly which teacher policiescan raise teacher effectiveness (Goldhaber, 2002 and Rivkinet al, 2005). Thus, devising effective policies to improveteaching quality remains a challenge. There is increasinginterest across the globe to attract, retain, develop andmotivate great teachers. While the World Bank has ampleexperience in supporting teacher policy reforms indeveloping countries, until recently there was no systematiceffort to offer data and analysis that can provide policyguidance on teacher policies. The focus of the initiative isthe design of teacher policies as opposed to theirimplementation on the ground. A number of complementaryactivities will be looking at implementation in a sample ofcountries as this will involve a different methodologicalapproach and will require more financial and human resources.