This report examines land access,disputes, and dispute resolution in Timor-Leste, usingfindings from the justice module included in an extension ofthe 2007 Timor-Leste Survey of Living Standards (TLSLS2) anda review of relevant social-science literature. Theextension survey (TLSLSx) revisited a nationallyrepresentative subsample of the TLSLS2 between April andOctober 2008. The respondent for the justice module wasrandomly selected to be the household head or his/herspouse, and the TLSLSx revisited 1,716 respondents acrossTimor-Leste's thirteen districts. Survey topicsincluded: (1) access to information and decision making; (2)opinions and knowledge of the law; (3) trust and localinstitutions; and (4) dispute resolution. Findings from thissurvey have been summarized in three short briefing papersfocusing on land and conflict, youth perspectives, andcommunity trust and decision making.