Linking farmers to markets is widelyviewed as a milestone towards promoting economic growth andpoverty reduction. However, market and institutionalimperfections along the supply chain thwart perfect verticaland spatial price transmission and prevent farmers andmarket actors from getting access to information,identifying business opportunities and allocating theirresources efficiently. This acts as a barrier to market-ledrural development and poverty reduction. This paper reviewsand analyses household information, and the major livestockmarket and marketing data available in Tanzania, in relationto market-led development possibilities. Household-leveldata collected by the Tanzania National Bureau of Statisticsand market data collected and disseminated by the LivestockInformation and Knowledge System of the Tanzania Ministry ofIndustry and Trade are reviewed and utilized together. Bothtypes of data help identify market opportunities forlivestock producers, but only their joint use could providepolicy makers with the information needed to design andimplement policies that facilitate access to markets forlivestock producers. Options to promote integration ofhousehold-level data and market data are discussed, whichwould facilitate the implementation of the Tanzaniastatistical master plan and contribute to the implementationof the global strategy to improve agricultural and rural statistics.