This paper synthesizes lessons learnedfrom the Department for International Development-World Bank(DFID-WB) partnership, to provide guidance on ways toimprove the allocation and efficiency of public spending foragricultural growth and poverty reduction. It includeslessons on how to improve data quality, the composition andimpact of spending, budget execution, and the integration ofoff-budget expenditures. The paper synthesizes recurringlessons that have emerged from the commissioned work, tohighlight key challenges that still remain to improve theefficiency of public expenditure planning and implementationin the agriculture sector, as well as offering options forimprovement. The paper is accompanied by a separatedocument, the Agricultural Public Expenditure Reviews(AgPER) toolkit, which is a practical guide forpractitioners tasked with carrying out AgPERs in the future.The paper is structured around the Budget Cycle Framework(BCF), to facilitate the identification of entry points toimprove expenditure outcomes.