Secondary education is increasinglybecoming an area of focus in developing countries, whichhave thus far concentrated on achieving universal elementaryeducation. This policy note on secondary education in Indiadiscusses issues and aspects critical for the development ofthis subsector. Secondary education, in terms of policy, isa concurrent item in that it is within the purview of bothState and Central governments. State level implications andstrategies for developing this sub-sector are critical. TheCentral government involvement in secondary education thusfar has been through discrete programs, such as computer andvocational education. The 10th Five-Year Plan (2002-2007)intends a much more strategic role for the Centralgovernment in improving secondary education in the country.This policy note supports this national vision andhighlights the issues and constraints in implementing thisvision. The policy note concludes with a summary of issuesand aspects critical for this sub-sector relating to fourareas: planning in secondary and higher secondary education;administrative reform; improving the quality of educationand financing of secondary education.