Balochistan is the largest province inPakistan, with 44percent (347,000 sq. kms.) of the landarea but only 5 percent of the population (6.5 million). Theprovince is blessed with a large number of natural resourceswhich are to a great extent unexplored and unutilized. Ithas an 1100-kilometer coastline which can prove to be animportant trade corridor in the region by connecting Chinaand Central Asian republics in the north to the sea in thesouth and India, Bangladesh in the East. Economicdevelopment is needed to deal with significant structuralproblems both political and socio-economic. Under theauspices of The World Bank, this intervention for assessingthe procurement systems of the provincial with the objectiveof benchmarking the performance of procurement managementsystems was embarked upon. This report covers the assessmentfor the province of Balochistan undertaken in the month ofSeptember 2006. This snapshot of procurement systemsperformance assessment is mainly based on historical dataand current practices observed during the mission.