India's crop insurance program isthe world's largest with 25 million farmers insured.Yet 85 million farmer households are not covered. Issues indesign, particularly related to delays in claimssettlements, explain the low coverage. To address theseproblems, the World Bank provided actuarial inputs, engagedin policy dialogue, and facilitated the launch of aninnovative crop insurance program that will improve equity,risk mitigation, and claims settlement for farmers; providetools for budget management and agricultural policy forgovernment; and open up the market for public- andprivate-sector insurers and reinsurers. Initially, theprogram will be available to an estimated 8 to 10 millionfarmers, of whom 3 million are expected to participate inthe first year with a total sum insured in excess of $1billion. Over time, this project could be scaled up to beavailable to India's 110 million farmers. This smartlesson describes lessons learned in developing andimplementing the crop insurance program.