The World Bank has carried out a studyon agribusiness, logistics, and infrastructure for growth inMindanao. Funded by the Australian Agency for InternationalDevelopment, the study aimed to understand better why thePhilippines, with its well-educated human capital anddiverse natural resource base, significantly lags behind therest of East Asia in per capita growth. Some rural areaswith high agricultural potential, such as Mindanao and, tosome extent, the Visayas, also lag behind the rest of thePhilippine economy. The study sought to understand how thePhilippines could improve its competitiveness inagribusiness and agriculture commodity markets, areas whereMindanao enjoys strong comparative advantages. The studyanalyzed the constraints affecting the performance ofagricultural value chains in Mindanao, particularly in termsof infrastructure and logistics. The agriculturalcommodities selected were corn and bananas because of theireconomic weight at regional and national levels. Mindanao,especially the Bukidnon plateau, is a major producer ofwhite and yellow corn. The study focused on yellow corn,which is grown mainly for animal feed and used in milled andnon-milled varieties. Mindanao is also the country'smain banana producing region, both for export and for thedomestic market. Region eleventh (the Davao region) is theleading banana producer and supplier of export-qualitybananas in the country. In recent years, the Philippineshave become the world's second top exporter ofCavendish bananas.