The Electricity Authority of Cambodia(EAC) is in its nascent stage of development. However, ithas undertaken initial steps toward increasing publicawareness of electricity regulation and issuing licenses tolarger scale generators and distributors in urban areas.EAC's next important task is to formalize theoperations of small-scale private operators in the ruralareas. The regulatory framework for rural electricityoperations in the country has yet to be fully developed.Guidelines and procedures are currently being drafted byEAC, but they still have to be tested thus, gradualrevisions can be anticipated and precedents must beestablished. In addition, the scope of EAC's operationsmust be expanded to include, among other things, definitionsof technical standards and procedures for determining tarifflevels. In view of EAC's extensive work plan, theEnergy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) hasprovided a grant toward the financing for a technicaladvisor to support EAC in these activities.