This report provides an assessment ofJordan's corporate governance policy framework,enforcement and compliance practices. Strengths andweaknesses are highlighted and policy recommendations aremade where appropriate. Much progress was made in theregulatory environment in the 1990s, since the creation ofthe Jordan Securities Commission, the Amman Stock Exchange,and the Securities Depository Center. The report identifiesseveral key next steps that focus on implementation,including: (i) developing a Code of Corporate Governancethat focuses on the role, duties, and functions of theboard; (ii) focused enforcement of the disclosureprovisions, with continued emphasis on a review of content;(iii) revision of the Company Law to bring the policyframework into greater compliance with the OECD Principles,and (iv) a review of the regulatory jurisdictions of thethree main regulatory bodies that oversee corporategovernance. Together, these measures will bring Jordan intothe mainstream of the worldwide corporate governance reformmovement and provide new opportunities for issuers toimplement international good practice.