The purpose of this Briefing Note is toprovide background information and analysis on the new legalrequirement and relevant information and experiencepertaining to community development funds in the miningsector internationally and in Lao PDR. This Briefing Note isintended toinform discussion at the Conference on Miningand Community Development in Lao PDR: Community DevelopmentFunds to be held in Vientiane and Phu Kham, 19-23 September2011. The Briefing Note draws heavily on information from anumber of existing World Bankpublicationsincluding: Lao PDR Development Report - Natural ResourceManagement for Sustainable Development: Hydropower andMining and relevant background papers which examine themesof social impact mitigation andbenefit sharing.Mining Foundations, Trusts and Funds A Sourcebook whichreviews developing country experience of mining sectorfoundations, trusts and funds. Sharing Mining Benefits inDeveloping Countries: the experience with foundations,trusts and funds a publication from the World Bank Oil, Gas,and Mining Policy Division (SEGOM) that summarisesdeveloping country experiences.The Briefing Notealso draws on a number of interviews conducted with keygovernment agencies including the Department of Mines (DOM),Ministry of Energy and Mines; Department of EnvironmentImpact Assessment (DESIA), Ministry of Natural Resources andEnvironment; Department of International Cooperation (DOIC),Ministry of Planning and Investment; Department of ExternalFinance, Ministry of Finance; Poverty Reduction Fund (PRF)as well as the two largest mining operators: Phu Bia Mining(PBM) and Lane Xang Minerals Limited(LXML). Theintended audience of this note is policy makers, members ofthe development community and representatives from theprivate sector (mining companies and consultants).