As it transitions to Middle-IncomeCountry (MIC) status, Vietnam is considering whether itssocial protection system is adequate to meet rapidlychanging needs associated with strong economic growth,integration of its economy in regional and global markets,industrialization, urbanization and other economic andsocietal shifts. Vietnam's social safety net - programswith the following objectives: 1) alleviation of chronicpoverty; 2) help to the poor in coping with the worst formsof shocks and transient poverty; and 3) promotion of humandevelopment for long-term poverty alleviation. This noteaims to assess the system of social safety net programscurrently in place in Vietnam and to gauge how well itcovers the poor and vulnerable populations. This notehighlights two messages: first, it identifies gaps in thecurrent poverty reduction and social protection system -programs that help address urban vulnerability and povertyand that help the poor and vulnerable manage shocks - whichcould be closed through strengthened and more effectivehousehold-targeted social safety net programs. Second, inexamining the existing core social safety net programs thenote finds that, while targeting is respectable, theirprimary weakness lies in limited coverage. Based on thesefindings, this note strengthens household-targeted socialsafety net interventions in Vietnam as a complement togeographically-targeted poverty reduction programs andsocial insurance.