The last decade has witnessed twointeresting features in international trade. First,high-tech products have become the fastest growing segmentof international trade. Second, developing countries areincreasingly becoming exporters of high-tech products thanksto greater trade openness, greater ability to master and usetechnologies, and a rise in foreign direct investments. Theobjective of this paper is to pinpoint the changes in Jordanand Tunisia's production and export structures over thelast decade or so. Authors were use two highly disaggregatedpanel export database and a 'product-based'methodology that allows a mapping of products classified bytechnological content and their sector of origin. Thedatabase used runs from 2003 to 2010 for Jordan and from1995 to 2009 for Tunisia, providing a pseudo-panelstructure. Finally, improving the environment for innovationmay facilitate the movement up the technological ladder inboth Jordan and Tunisia.