The report presented a detailedassessment of the infrastructure Public Private Partnership(PPP) financing market in Pakistan, including key financinggaps as existent in 2007. This note builds on the report bypresenting an update of the state of the Pakistaninfrastructure financing market as on date, and inparticular, by analyzing the implications of the globalfinancial crisis and the changes in the macroeconomicenvironment in Pakistan. This note is structured as follows:section two provides background information on the Pakistaneconomy; section three summarizes the key effects ofinternational financial shocks and domestic political issueson the Pakistan economy; section four summarizes theprogress on the infrastructure enabling environment; sectionfive provides a summary update of the demand forinfrastructure finance; section six presents recentdevelopments in the supply of infrastructure finance; andsection seven sets out the key conclusions.